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Why filter your drinking water? 5 reasons why it makes sense to filter your water.
Over the past two decades, most EU countries have initiated more comprehensive testing for impurities in drinking water, and today, with advancements in testing technologies and a deeper understanding of water quality, our perspective on drinking water has evolved, shedding light on previously overlooked as well as new challenges.
Here are the 5 most important reason why one should consider filtering your drinking water at home:
Despite its effectiveness in reducing the transmission of waterborne diseases like cholera and typhoid fever, chlorine's interaction with organic compounds in water leads to the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs), notably trihalomethanes (THMs). Recent research underscores the grave health risks associated with consuming or inhaling water containing THMs. These risks range from stillbirths and congenital disabilities to an elevated susceptibility to kidney and liver cancer. Furthermore, THMs pose threats to various bodily systems, including the central nervous system, heart, kidneys, and liver.
Of particular concern is the fact that inhaling THMs and chlorine can prove more detrimental than consuming them. Both substances have lower vaporization temperatures than water, intensifying the risk of exposure, especially during showering.
Pesticides have infiltrated the drinking water supplies across all EU countries, significantly heightening the risk to human health. While designed to combat pests, pesticides also harbor potential dangers for humans when consumed through drinking water. Prolonged exposure to certain pesticides has been associated with a spectrum of health complications, including neurological disorders, reproductive issues, and specific types of cancers. Particularly vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women, and the elderly face heightened risks, given their potentially increased susceptibility to the adverse effects of pesticide residues.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have emerged as silent threats lurking within our drinking water, presenting substantial health hazards to communities globally. These persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals, once celebrated for their water and grease-resistant properties, are now acknowledged for their potential harm to human health. PFAS compounds have been linked to an array of health ailments, underscoring the urgency of addressing their presence in drinking water. Among the primary health concerns associated with PFAS exposure is their potential to disrupt the endocrine system. These substances can interfere with hormone regulation, potentially causing disruptions in reproductive and developmental processes, as well as thyroid dysfunction. Pregnant women and infants are especially vulnerable, as exposure during critical developmental phases may result in enduring effects. Furthermore, research indicates a possible correlation between PFAS exposure and an elevated risk of certain cancers, including kidney and testicular cancer.
With advancements in testing methodologies and the implementation of new guidelines for drinking water, a myriad of health concerns continues to surface across the EU. Elevated levels of heavy metals, nitrates, microplastics, and various other impurities pose an escalating threat to human health. While testing methodologies are improving, filtration capabilities lag behind across all member states. The current water treatment practices were established before comprehensive testing was undertaken, highlighting the pressing need for more efficient filtration systems. However, the infrastructure required for such upgrades comes at a staggering cost, with projections indicating it will take decades to implement across the EU. Even in relatively smaller nations like Denmark, the estimated expense for plant upgrades reaches a staggering 500 million Euros, with significant annual costs for every waterplant.
Throughout Europe, aging water pipe infrastructure presents significant challenges. While many lead pipes have been replaced across the EU in the last five decades, the iron pipes installed as replacements have, over time, accumulated sediment such as rust within the water supply lines. As these iron pipes corrode and degrade, rust and potential contaminants can seep into the water system, posing health risks. The primary concern with old pipes, particularly those predating 1990, is the potential for lead contamination. Even in pipes installed after 1990, corrosion can compromise water quality by introducing iron, sediment, and other impurities. Furthermore, corroded pipes create an environment conducive to the proliferation of harmful bacteria, affecting both the taste and safety of the water supply. This issue is widespread across the EU.
Asbestos poses another significant threat, particularly in water pipes installed before 1980. Despite being a wealthy and modern country like Denmark, approximately 1000 kilometers of asbestos water pipes still exist in 2024. Old water pipes also provide ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Therefore, even if your local water treatment plant has been updated with a modern, high-performance filtration system, the water must still traverse miles of aging pipes, potentially compromising its quality and safety.
Despite widespread awareness of the environmental issues associated with plastic water bottles, their sales continue to soar. In the United States alone, an astounding 50 billion plastic bottles for drinking water are sold annually, with a dismal 9% of global plastic bottle sales being recycled. This trend persists in countries like Spain, where over 7 billion bottles are sold each year, and Denmark, renowned for its environmental consciousness, where its 6 million inhabitants purchase 250 million plastic water bottles annually. With a global population of 8 billion people, projections indicate that this year alone, we are on track to purchase an astonishing 600 billion plastic bottles. This translates to over 1 million bottles being sold per minute, every day, throughout the year.